White Sage Bundle



How to use- Hold in hand from the stemmed end, begin to light the opposing tip until it is releasing smoke. Wave this smoke into all corners, doorways, & into shadow spaces.

Benefits- To create sacred space, to cleanse negative energies or ties, to protect yourself, your home, or belongings. Also an effective cleansing tool to cleanse your crystals with.

To cleanse crystal- Begin with lighting your bundle, hold the crystal of choice directly into the trail of smoke, around 3 inches (give or take) above the smoking end of the sage. You can close your eyes (but not necessary), focus on your breath, & picture or imagine the negative leaving, and welcome the positive intension that you would like to bring into this crystal. Hold over smoke for as long as you’d like, best if at least 30 sec per gem. When complete, the traditional combination is to rest & store sage in an Abalone Shell.



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